Proceeding of Stikes Banyuwangi International Health Conference <p>Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Permenkes RI) No. 21 of 2020 which has required efforts to change the governance of health development which includes the integration of information systems, research, and health development. The Indonesian Health Transformation is an initiative carried out by the Ministry of Health to carry out health transformation activities that include 6 pillars of transformation, including primary service transformation, referral services, health resilience systems, health financing systems, health human resources, and health technology. The six pillars of health transformation that support the Indonesian health system must be built together and continuously as mandated in the 1945 Constitution "Everyone has the right to obtain health services and the state is responsible for providing adequate health service facilities". The six pillars of health transformation can be upheld for better change, if there is close collaboration and strong synergy between the central government, local governments, and all elements of society. No less important, health transformation will not be realized without a transformation in the work culture of health workers. Health transformation is an important milestone in the history of Indonesia's journey towards becoming an advanced nation. Health transformation must reach all corners of Indonesia, including in remote, underdeveloped, border, and island areas. One of the health transformations that is currently developing is related to Holistic Care services which include complementary intervention services in the health sector. Holistic Care is also a nursing care that uses a comprehensive approach by integrating complementary nursing concepts, namely alternative and spiritual. Holistic therapy is a healing practice that combines various techniques to improve overall body health. This therapy does not only focus on mental and physical aspects, but also spiritual aspects that can affect a person's condition. Complementary interventions here are non-conventional treatments that affect individuals as a whole, namely an individual harmony to integrate mind, body, and soul in a functional unity. In addition, there is also one of the health transformations in the field of midwifery initiated by ICM and followed up by IBI, namely ensuring policies that support a sustainable service model led by midwives, which ensures that midwives have an environment and resources that support them in practicing independently in all areas of midwifery practice that are in accordance with midwifery practice competency standards. In addition, midwives also uphold women's rights to freely make decisions about their reproductive health. So that Stikes Banyuwangi holds SBIHC activities that will bridge several exchanges of information on several current sciences and technologies in all fields of health sciences</p> en-US (Akhmad Yanuar Fahmi Pamungkas M.Kep) (Akhmad Yanuar Fahmi M.Kep) Wed, 11 Dec 2024 08:56:26 +0000 OJS 60 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERPROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION IN CHILDBIRTH HEPATITIS B IN INDONESIA <p><em>Transmission of hepatitis B from mother to fetus can cause a risk of more than 90% of developing chronic hepatitis B in the baby. The practice of interprofessional collaboration can prevent and reduce the risk of transmission and improve patient safety. Objective: explore more deeply and find out the practice of interprofessional collaboration in mothers giving birth with Hepatitis B at RSU Imelda Pekerja Indonesia. Method: This qualitative research used an embedded single case study design with 10 informants consisting of 1 obstetrician, 1 medical laboratory technology expert (ATLM), 1 pharmacist, and 6 midwives. In-depth interviews were conducted to gather information, and the data was analyzed using NVivo 12 Plus software. This study used triangulation of data from doctors, midwives, ATLM, pharmacists, and women giving birth with hepatitis; it was analyzed using thematic analysis, matrix analysis, and pattern matching analysis. Results: This study identified a collaborative flow from the Obstetrics Emergency Room, pharmacy, delivery room, postpartum room, to administering Hepatitis B immunoglobin serum to babies in the neonatary room. The work culture showed compliance with PPI and timely administration of serum to babies to prevent transmission. Institutional and environmental support includes unlimited provision of PPE and availability of medical equipment. The values and ethics of collaboration have upheld patient privacy rights and mutual respect between professionals. The barriers include a lack of training for midwives and the absence of specific SOPs for Hepatitis B deliveries. The hope is to increase midwives' understanding of education and training.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Yohana Samosir, Sulistyaningsih, Sri Ratna Ningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Yohana Samosir Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECTIVENESS OF DISASTER NURSING INTERVENTION ON NURSES' PREPAREDNESS IN DEALING WITH DISASTERS: LITERATURE REVIEW <p>Preparedness is a series of activities to anticipate disasters through appropriate and effective steps to ensure a quick and effective response when a disaster occurs. Nurses who are good at implementing and standardizing disaster preparedness are needed. This literature review aims to determine the effectiveness of disaster nursing interventions on nurses' preparedness in dealing with disasters. The data for this study were taken from four relevant databases, PubMed, Science Direct, EBSCO, and Google Scholar, using the PIOS (Participant, Intervention, Outcomes, and Study Design) method. Keywords "nurse" or "disaster management," "disaster education" or "disaster simulation," "disaster training" or "disaster preparedness," and "disaster readiness." The data collected came from journals published between 2019 and 2024, both in English and Indonesian (open access and full text), and were original articles. Of the total n = 2,774 articles found, only n = 12 met the inclusion criteria. The results of this literature review explain that various interventions aimed at improving nurses' disaster preparedness such as educational programs, online training, simulation exercises, and contingency plan-based human resource management each offer unique advantages and face distinct challenges.</p> Muhamad Hasan Basri Hasan, Muhamad Zulfatul A”la, Tantut Susanto Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Hasan Basri Hasan, Muhamad Zulfatul A”la, Tantut Susanto Sat, 26 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF LEAFLET MEDIA EDUCATION ON KNOWLEDGE OF MOTHERS OF TODDLERS WITH ISPA AT SUKARAJA HEALTH CENTRE SUKABUMI DISTRICT YEAR 2024 <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <h3><strong>Introduction:</strong> World Health Organization (WHO) in 2023 the incidence of ARI is about 11.6%. This figure indicates that 1 in 9 people in the world suffer from ARI in a year. ARI prevalence in Indonesia (2023) was 877,531 cases. The prevalence of ARI in West Java (2023) is approximately 156,997 cases. The prevalence of ARI in Sukabumi District (January-March, 2024) was 56,088 cases. In Sukaraja Health Centre (January-March, 2024) there were 896 ARI cases. One of the efforts that can be made to improve mothers' knowledge about ARI is by providing health education. One of the media or educational aids is leaflets.</h3> <p><strong><em>Objectives: </em></strong>&nbsp;<em>To determine the picture of leaflet media education on the knowledge of mothers of toddlers about ARI at Puskesmas Sukaraja, Sukabumi District</em></p> <h3><strong>Methods:</strong> Quantitative research design with Pre Experimental method without involving control group. The study was conducted at Puskesmas Sukaraja, Sukabumi Regency in 2024. In July 2024. The sample in this study amounted to 18 mothers of toddlers with ARI who were taken with Non Probability Sampling technique, namely Purposive Sampling technique. Univariate analysis was presented in the form of frequency distribution tables and bivariate analysis using SPSS.</h3> <h3><strong>Results:</strong> &nbsp;After the Wilcoxon signed rank bivariate test, the p value=0.00 (p&gt;0.05 Ho is rejected), then Ha is accepted, namely there is an effect of leaflet media education on the knowledge of mothers of toddlers with ARI at the Sukaraja Health Centre, Sukabumi Regency.</h3> <h3><strong>Conclusions:</strong> &nbsp;There is an effect of leaflet media education on the knowledge of mothers of toddlers with ARI at Puskesmas Sukaraja, Sukabumi District.</h3> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Reni anggraeni, Sundari, Hidayat, Pirdus, Aniq, Soelytiawaty Copyright (c) 2024 Reni anggraeni, Sundari, Hidayat, Pirdus, Aniq, Soelytiawaty Sat, 26 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECTIVENESS OF THE SNAKES AND LADDERS METHOD ON ADOLESCENTS' KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH <p>Adolescent girls will undergo various physical and mental changes during puberty, which will increase the likelihood of unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and the risk of STIs such as HIV/AIDS, sexual violence, and vaginal discharge. A survey conducted by PIK-Teenager in 2020 stated that only 28% of teenagers received information. This means that out of 100 teenagers, only 28 have accessed information related to reproductive health on the topic of genital hygiene. Teenagers rank the highest in the world for genital infections, with an incidence rate of (35-42%), while adults have a rate of (27-33%). The incidence rates for reproductive tract infections among teenagers include candidiasis (25%-50%), bacterial vaginosis (20-40%), and trichomoniasis (5-15%). This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the snake and ladder method in improving adolescents' Knowledge and attitudes towards reproductive health. The research method used is the Pre Test-Post Test One Group Design, with a sample size of 56 respondents selected through purposive sampling. Data was collected using a questionnaire and analyzed bivariate. The results of this study indicate that before the intervention, the Knowledge of adolescents was as follows: 8 respondents (14.8%) with reasonable criteria, 19 respondents (35.2%) with sufficient criteria, and 27 respondents (50.0%) with poor criteria. In terms of Attitude, there were 5 respondents (4%) with very positive criteria, 47 respondents (87%) with positive criteria, and 2 respondents (4%) with negative criteria. However, after providing Knowledge using the snakes and ladders method on reproductive health, the results after the intervention showed that Knowledge improved to 21 respondents (38.9%) with reasonable criteria, 15 respondents (27.8%) with sufficient criteria, and 2 respondents (4%) with poor criteria. Regarding Attitude, there were 53 respondents (98%) with very positive criteria and 1 (2%) with positive criteria. The results of the paired T-Test analysis show a significant change in Knowledge at .000 &gt; 0.05, while in Attitude, it is also at .000 &gt; 0.05. This indicates that the snake ladder method effectively improves adolescent girls' Knowledge and attitudes.</p> Dyah Ayu Wulandari, RIZKY DWIYANTI, Vita Raraningrum Copyright (c) 2024 Dyah Ayu Wulandari, RIZKY DWIYANTI, Vita Raraningrum Sat, 26 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECTIVENESS OF PREGNANT WOMEN'S CLASSES ON IMPROVING PREGNANT WOMEN'S KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE CHILDBIRTH PLANNING AND PREVENTION PROGRAMME COMPLICATIONS (P4K) <p><strong><em>Background: </em></strong><em>Pregnancy complications are one of the causes of maternal mortality. One of the programs that aims to prevent complications in pregnancy and reduce maternal mortality is the Childbirth Planning and Complication Prevention Program (P4K).</em></p> <p><strong><em>Objective: </em></strong><em>to determine the effectiveness of pregnant women's classes on increasing knowledge of pregnant women about the childbirth planning and prevention of complications (P4K) programme in Benteng Village, Bogor Regency in 2024<strong>. Methods: </strong>Experimental study research design Quasi-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest design. Using the Paired T-Test test where the sample was 40 pregnant women in Benteng Village, Bogor Regency, this research was conducted in November-February 2024<strong>. </strong><strong>Results: </strong>the results of the study state that the average knowledge before the implementation of the class of pregnant women obtained a mean of 40.30, the average knowledge after 68.58, and can be seen the results of the P-Value 0.0001 can be interpreted that the P-Value 0.0001 α &amp; 0.005, it is concluded that there is an effectiveness of knowledge before and after the implementation of the class of pregnant women in Benteng Village, Bogor Regency<strong>. </strong><strong>Conclusion: </strong>There is an effectiveness before and after the implementation of the implementation of pregnant women's classes on increasing knowledge about P4K in Benteng Village, Bogor Regency</em></p> Siti Fatimah, Wahidah, Firdaus.Ulfa.NN Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Fatimah, Wahidah, Firdaus.Ulfa.NN Sat, 26 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF CADRES IN EARLY DETECTION OF HIGH RISK PREGNANCIES WITH THE INNOVATION OF MADU UMI (SOCIETY FOR THE CARE OF HIGH RISK PREGNANT WOMEN : A MIXED METHOD <h3><em>Early detection of pregnancy with risk factors is an activity carried out to find pregnant women who have risk factors and obstetric complications. Detection of risk factors in mothers by both health workers and the community is an important effort in preventing death and morbidity.</em> <em>The aim is to determine the knowledge and skills of cadres in conducting early detection of high-risk pregnancies with the Madu Umi innovation.</em><em>The study applied mixed methods explanatory sequential design. This is a quantitative research using a pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest design. The population was 48 cadres using a total sampling technique, and the data analysis used Wilcoxon. The qualitative stage used descriptive sampling using purposive sampling with 5 cadres, 5 pregnant women, 1 regional midwife and 1 PKK leader as informants. The analysis of Miles and Humberman model using Nvivo 12 plus. </em><em>&nbsp;Results: </em><em>there was a significant difference in the skills and attitudes of cadres, but in the knowledge of cadres, there was no significant difference before and after being given the implementation of Madu Umi. The Conclusion of study is in practice, implementing Madu Umi can provide understanding, development of psychomotor skills, benefits for cadres, coordination mechanisms and the role of cadres. Barriers to implementation do not occur in pregnant women but occur in health cadres, namely barriers to communication and understanding.</em></h3> Indah Christiana, Sulistyaningsih, M. Nurdin Zuhri Copyright (c) 2024 Indah Christiana, Sulistyaningsih, M. Nurdin Zuhri Sat, 26 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE, AND PEER SUPPORT WITH ATTENDANCE AT ADOLESCENTS HEALTH SERVICE, INDONESIA <p>Adolescents Health Service is a government initiative aimed at addressing adolescent health issues, which can lead to various challenges. Low attendance at the Adolescents Health Service results in suboptimal health empowerment among teenagers. This study analyzes the relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and peer support with the attendance of adolescents at the Adolescents Health Service in Carangsari Village, Bali, Indonesia. This correlational research was used a cross-sectional design and purposive sampling, with primary data collected via questionnaire from 47 respondents in April 2024. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used for normality testing. Univariate analysis showed median scores of 73 for knowledge, 31 for attitude, and 5 for peer support. Spearman's Rho bivariate analysis was revealed a weak positive correlation between knowledge and attendance (p = 0.071, r = 0.266). However, a strong positive correlation was found between attitude and attendance (p = &lt;0.001, r = 0.730), as well as between peer support and attendance (p = &lt;0.001, r = 0.675). In conclusion, higher levels of knowledge, positive attitudes, and peer support are associated with increased attendance at Adolescents Health Service in Carangsari Village, Petang District, Bali, Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><strong><em>Adolescents Health Service</em></strong><strong><em>; Knowledge; Attitude; Peer Support; Attendance</em></strong></p> Ni Made Irayanti Friska Paramita Sena Putri Marken, Ni Made Dwi Mahayati, Ni Wayan Suarniti Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Made Irayanti Friska Paramita Sena Putri Marken, Ni Made Dwi Mahayati, Ni Wayan Suarniti Sun, 27 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFORTS AND CHALLENGES OF EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING FOR SINGLE-PARENT WOMEN IN MEETING THE NUTRITIONAL NEEDS OF BABIES <p><em>This study aims to analyze the efforts and challenges faced by single-parent women in providing exclusive breastfeeding to meet their infants' nutritional needs. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through in-depth interviews with four single-parent women (primary informants) who are currently breastfeeding exclusively in the Pesurungan Lor neighborhood, as well as with the company heads where they work (triangulation informants).</em></p> <p><em>The research findings identify three main challenges: health factors, family support, and social challenges. Health-related issues, such as nipple pain or maternal health problems, affect breastfeeding comfort, while a lack of support and understanding from family members can hinder the continuation of this practice. Additionally, social challenges, including societal stigma toward single-parent status and the practice of exclusive breastfeeding, also influence the success of this program.</em></p> <p><em>Various efforts have been made by the mothers, such as seeking emotional and practical support from the community and utilizing available facilities to aid the breastfeeding process. The results of this study provide important insights into the complexities faced by single-parent women in fulfilling their infants' nutritional needs through exclusive breastfeeding and underscore the importance of support and strategic programs to address these barriers</em></p> Okta Zenita Siti Fatimah; Seventina Hurul Hidayah Copyright (c) 2024 Okta Zenita Siti Fatimah; Seventina Hurul Hidayah Sat, 26 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CORRELATION HANDWASHING KNOWLEDGE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD AND DIARRHEA CASES IN SUKABUMI REGENCY <p>Diarrheal diseases remain a global health concern, particularly in Indonesia. This study aims to examine the relationship between knowledge of proper handwashing with soap and the incidence of diarrhea among family heads in Cisarua Village. The research employed a correlational analytic method with a cross-sectional approach. A total of 78 respondents were selected using accidental sampling during the research period from May to August 2024. Data analysis was conducted using the Chi-Square test. The results indicated that respondents with lower knowledge of handwashing practices among family heads had a higher incidence of diarrhea (p &lt; 0.05). The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between family heads’ knowledge of handwashing practices and diarrhea incidence. Improving health education on proper handwashing practices can reduce the incidence of diarrhea.</p> Aryl Alfath Muhamad Iqbal, Ela Amelia, Apriyani Pramudiyawati, Nurfadilah, Panduwita Copyright (c) 2024 Aryl Alfath Muhamad Iqbal, Ela Amelia, Apriyani Pramudiyawati, Nurfadilah, Panduwita Sun, 27 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 NURSING STUDENTS' PREPAREDNESS IN FIRST AID FOR SELF-HARM INCIDENTS <p><em>Self-harm is a phenomenon of maladaptive actions in teenagers who are a group vulnerable to various changes. Almost 20% of teenagers experience this behavior. If it is not discovered and treated immediately, it will cause disability and death. Students have a great opportunity to become first responders in emergencies and must have the ability to provide first aid. The research aims to determine the readiness of Nursing students in Banyuwangi to provide first aid in cases of self-harm. This type of research is quantitative with descriptive research methods. Respondents totaled 326 people and sampling used the consecutive sampling method. The data collection tool uses a readiness questionnaire in the form of a Likert scale statement. The research results revealed that 31.7% of respondents were in the ready category, and 68.3% of respondents were in the not category. Most students were 21 years old (76.2%), and generally female (87.7%). As many as 84.3% had never performed first aid on patients who injured themselves, 55.6% had never attended first aid training and all respondents had received information related to first aid, especially from education and training (88.7%). It can be concluded that the majority of respondents stated that they were not ready to provide first aid if they experienced a victim injuring themselves (68.3%). The development of first aid education and training for students needs to be carried out to prepare student resources who can become first responders when a self-injury incident occurs.</em></p> rudiyanto, Faridah Mohd Said, Zakirah Mamat Copyright (c) 2024 rudiyanto, Faridah Mohd Said, Zakirah Mamat Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Correlation Between Body Mass Index And Age of Puberty In Adoescent Girls In Indonesia <p><em>Changes in the age of puberty have now occurred in various parts of the world including in Indonesia. One of the factors causing this is the state of nutrition which can be assessed by body mass index (BMI) experiencing changes that result in early puberty. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between body mass index in adolescent girls. Respondents of this study were 76 adolescent girls with Simple Random Sampling technique. The research was conducted on April 22, 2024 to April 29, 2024. Univariate analysis to see the age of puberty obtained from questionnaires and body mass index measuring height and weight. The results at the age of puberty are dominated at the age of 10 years, with an age range of 8 years to 12 years. The results on Body Mass Index found that 35 adolescent girls (46.1%) were underweight, 31 adolescent girls (40.8%) were normal, 6 adolescent girls (7.9%) were overweight, 3 adolescent girls (3.9%) were obese, and 1 adolescent girl (1.3%) was found with type II obesity status. Bivariate analysis to see the relationship between Body Mass Index and the age of puberty showed a p value of 0.014 (&lt;0.05). It has a relationship between other factors, so adolescent girls must maintain a balanced nutritional diet. </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ni Ketut Ayu Sujani, Ni Wayan Suarniti, Ni Wayan Ariyani, Sri Rahayu, Gusti Ayu Eka Utarini Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Ketut Ayu Sujani, Ni Wayan Suarniti, Ni Wayan Ariyani, Sri Rahayu, Gusti Ayu Eka Utarini Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect Of Giving Snake Fruit Seed And Soursop Leaf Drink On Reducing Uric Acid Levels In Menopaused Elderly With Hyperuricemia At Jajag Community Health Center <p><em>Background:Hyperuricemia is a condition influenced by high levels of uric acid in the blood.&nbsp; The prevalence of hyperuricemia occurrence ranked second among diseases related to elderly health problems in Indonesia. This study aimed to discover the effect of giving snake fruit seed and soursop leaves drinks on reducing uric acid levels in menopausal elderly with hyperuricemia at Jajag community health center. Research method:This study is quantitative research with quasi-experimental design and using nonequivalent control group design. It used purposive sampling technique with population of 90 people and sample of 50 respondents which is then divided into a control group to receive mineral water and a treatment group to receive a drink made of snake fruit seeds and soursop leaves, totaling 100 ml with 4 grams of snake fruit seed powder and 3 grams of soursop leaf powder for 7 days. Research results:Mann Whitney test obtained α value of pre-test results was 0.001 (α &lt;0.05), and of the post-test results was 0.000 (α &lt;0.05). Both of which mean there was a significant difference between the uric acid levels of the pre-test and post-test. Wilcoxon test showed α value of control group was 0.000 (α &lt;0.05) and of treatment group was 0.000 (α &lt;0.05), which mean there was effect of drinking snake fruit seeds and soursop leaves on reducing uric acid levels. Conclusion:There is effect of giving drinks of snake fruit seeds and soursop leaves on uric acid levels.</em></p> Dwi Merlisa Arsylia, Efina Amanda, Alfian Abdul Rajab Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Merlisa Arsylia, Efina Amanda, Alfian Abdul Rajab Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF GIVING EDAMAME AND PORANG FLOUR COOKIES ON CHANGES IN FAT PERCENTAGE AND BODY WEIGHT OF OVERWEIGHT FEMALE STUDENTS AT STIKES BANYUWANGI <p><em>Being overweight is abnormal or excessive body weight that can have a bad impact on health. The issue of overweight among children and adolescents has become a significant health problem in society, both in developed countries and particularly in urban areas. The prevalence rate for males is 11%, while for females is 12%. The impacts of being overweight are varied, including chronic diseases, type 2 diabetes, etc.This research is quasi-experimental with two groups, an intervention group and a control group, using a pretest-posttest control group design. The sampling technique is total sampling, with 18 samples. The Intervention and control groups were measured for weight and body fat percentage before and after the intervention. Statistical tests showed that the body fat percentage in the Intervention group (P=0.020) and the weight in the Intervention group (P=0.011) had a significant effect. There were differences in the intervention group after the administration of cookies edamame and porang has no effect for body fat percentage and weight of overweight female students at STIKES Banyuwangi. The conclusion is that cookies edamame and porang can reduce body fat percentage and weight in overweight female students at STIKES Banyuwangi. Further research with a larger sample size and longer duration is needed to determine the effective timing for reducing body fat percentage and weight.</em></p> Anisatul Mujahidah, Alfian Abdul Rajab, Efina Amanda Copyright (c) 2024 Anisatul Mujahidah, Alfian Abdul Rajab, Efina Amanda Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An Overview of Self-Harm Among Nursing Students at the Banyuwangi Regency <p><em>Introduction: Adolescence is a phase that every individual goes through in their development, during which a transitional process occurs involving changes within the individual. An individual’s inability to cope with a problem can lead to stress and pressure, which in turn generates negative emotions. This may result in self-harm, which is a conscious act stemming from an inability to tolerate aggressive impulses, with the intention of self-punishment. It is typically carried out carefully using sharp objects on certain parts of the body, causing harm that is not life-threatening. Method: This study uses a descriptive quantitative research method with a cross-sectional design, focusing on data collection through closed-ended questionnaires distributed to respondents aged between 18 and 20 years. The sample used in this study consists of 10 students from the Nursing program at STIKES Banyuwangi.</em><strong>&nbsp;</strong><em>Results: The data regarding the prevalence of self-harming behavior in the respondent group showed that 50% of the respondents did not engage in self-harm, while the remaining 50% reported experiencing self-harming behavior at a mild level.Conclusion: The results of this study indicate the need for increased attention to mental health among university students who engage in self-harm, even at a mild level. Therefore, it is recommended to develop targeted intervention programs for students to address self-harming behaviors and provide psychological support for individuals/students at risk.</em></p> Akhmad Yanuar Fahmi Pamunhgkas, Shinta Wahyuningtias, Atik Pramesti Wilujeng, Prof Faridah Mohd Said, Dr Fatimah Copyright (c) 2024 Akhmad Yanuar Fahmi Pamunhgkas, Shinta Wahyuningtias, Atik Pramesti Wilujeng, Prof Faridah Mohd Said, Dr Fatimah Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 INVESTIGATION THE EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES OF NURSING STUDENTS EXPERIENCING SELF-HARM <p>ABSTRACT<br>Self-harm behavior is an iceberg phenomenon that is common in the normal population as well<br>as in patients with mental disorders. This behavior has an increasing trend and develops into<br>suicidal acts. Maladaptive emotional regulation has been shown to be effective as a trigger for<br>the emergence of self-harm behavioral ideas. This study aims to determine the emotional<br>experiences of nursing students who experience self-harm. The research method used<br>qualitative phenomenology with respondents of 10 nursing students who experienced self-harm<br>selected using the snowball sampling method. Data analysis to extract, organize, and analyze<br>interview data using the Colaizzi method. The results obtained 4 maladaptive emotional<br>themes, namely respondents felt: Emotional, low self-esteem, self-harm, and suicidal<br>thoughts. The conclusion is Self-harm behavior is a maladaptive emotional regulation<br>response that occurs in nursing students because students are unable to control their emotions<br>when faced with academic stressors, students tend to respond with emotional behavior, lack of<br>confidence in solving problems, self-harming behavior, and even suicidal tendencies.</p> Badrul Munif, Kasmah Wati pardi, Prof Faridah Mohd Said Copyright (c) 2024 Badrul Munif, Kasmah Wati pardi, Prof Faridah Mohd Said Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A EDUCATION OF HIGH-PROTEIN AND FLAVONOID ALTERNATIVE DEODORIZING SNACK INNOVATION <p>Fish consumption in Banyuwangi is at 63.57 kg per capita in 2022. Processed food products made from fish are fairly minimal and the processing is still monotonous, children are reluctant to consume fish. Mernying fish (Macarel) plays a role in increasing brain intelligence containing 22% protein, 1% fat, 109 calories of energy, healthy fats (DHA), calcium, iron, phosphorus. Beluntas leaves (Pluchea indica L) are wild plants containing 17.78-19.02 protein, 98.25 mg vitamin C and 2.55 g carotene, as well as flavonoids or antibacterials that can eliminate body odor. Community service activities began on May 10, 2024, the formation of a committee and making snack products made from mernying fish and beluntas leaves, then the service team assembled each production stage into an educational video that was easy for the community to understand. Health education for Family Welfare Movement in Banjarsari village totaling 18 people was held on August 09, 2024. Demographic data 39% of participants are late adult age group (36-45 years), 83% are housewives and 55% have high school education, almost all (80%) participants consume fish by frying, (80%) rarely utilize beluntas leaves. After being given health education, 85% of Family Welfare Movement understood how to make snacks from mernying fish and beluntas leaves.<br>Keywords: Mernying Fish; Beluntas; Snacks; Mom</p> Nelly Rossi Pertiwi, Dina Puspita Sari, Nabila Fike Hardianti, Siti Ulpiyah, Atik Pramesti Wilujeng Copyright (c) 2024 Atik Pramesti Wilujeng, Nelly Rossi Pertiwi, Dina Puspita Sari, Nabila Fike Hardianti, Siti Ulpiyah Tue, 24 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000