Correlation Between Body Mass Index And Age of Puberty In Adoescent Girls In Indonesia
Changes in the age of puberty have now occurred in various parts of the world including in Indonesia. One of the factors causing this is the state of nutrition which can be assessed by body mass index (BMI) experiencing changes that result in early puberty. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between body mass index in adolescent girls. Respondents of this study were 76 adolescent girls with Simple Random Sampling technique. The research was conducted on April 22, 2024 to April 29, 2024. Univariate analysis to see the age of puberty obtained from questionnaires and body mass index measuring height and weight. The results at the age of puberty are dominated at the age of 10 years, with an age range of 8 years to 12 years. The results on Body Mass Index found that 35 adolescent girls (46.1%) were underweight, 31 adolescent girls (40.8%) were normal, 6 adolescent girls (7.9%) were overweight, 3 adolescent girls (3.9%) were obese, and 1 adolescent girl (1.3%) was found with type II obesity status. Bivariate analysis to see the relationship between Body Mass Index and the age of puberty showed a p value of 0.014 (<0.05). It has a relationship between other factors, so adolescent girls must maintain a balanced nutritional diet.
Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Ketut Ayu Sujani, Ni Wayan Suarniti, Ni Wayan Ariyani, Sri Rahayu, Gusti Ayu Eka Utarini

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